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2024-05-09 20:12:11 理财问答

1. expression

Usage: n.表现,表示,表达




Example sentence: Its enough to ma... (表示得够了...)

2. show

Usage: v. 展示,显示,展览,举办




Example sentence: In sign of 作为...的表示 (To be scornful. 对...表示轻蔑)

3. indicate

Usage: v. 表明,表示,指示,指出,暗示

Example sentence: The figure is expressed as a percentage. 数字是用百分率表示的。(《牛津词典》)

4. say

Usage: v. 说,讲,表明,声明,表示,断定

Example sentence: Wind direction is represented by arrows. 风向是用箭头表示的。(《牛津词典》)

5. express

Usage: v. 表达,表露





Example sentence: The word "express" can be used as a verb or noun.

6. denote

Usage: v. 表示,指示

Example sentence: The symbol "+" denotes addition. 符号“+”表示加法。

7. represent

Usage: v. 代表,象征,描绘,表演,声称,体现,预示

Example sentence: The painting represents a beautiful sunset. 这幅画描绘了一个美丽的日落。

8. manifest

Usage: v. 表现,显示,证明,表露,使显现 n. 货单,旅客名单 adj. 明显的,明白的,清楚的

Example sentence: His anger manifested in his facial expression. 他的愤怒表现在他的脸部表情上。

9. signify

Usage: v. 表示,意味,象征

Example sentence: The red light signifies danger. 红灯表示危险。

10. show up

Usage: phr. 出现,露面显露,显示出

Example sentence: He didn't show up for the meeting. 他没有出席会议。

11. demonstrate

Usage: v. 示范,演示,展示,论证

Example sentence: The teacher will demonstrate the experiment to the students. 老师将向学生演示实验。

12. reveal

Usage: v. 揭示,展现,显露,透露

Example sentence: The document revealed the truth about the incident. 这份文件揭示了事情的真相。

13. make known

Usage: phr. 宣布,公布,告知

Example sentence: He made known his decision to resign. 他宣布了他辞职的决定。

14. specify

Usage: v. 明确规定,具体说明,详细指定

Example sentence: Please specify the color preference when placing your order. 下订单时请具体指定颜色喜好。

15. state

Usage: v. 状态,情况,陈述

Example sentence: The witness stated what he saw at the crime scene. 目击者陈述了他在犯罪现场所看到的情况。

16. imply

Usage: v. 暗示,意味,含有

Example sentence: His silence implied his agreement. 他的沉默暗示着他的同意。

17. convey

Usage: v. 传达,运输,表达

Example sentence: The message was conveyed through a letter. 这个信息通过一封信传达出去。

18. suggest

Usage: v. 建议,暗示,表明,意味

Example sentence: I suggest going to the park for a picnic. 我建议去公园野餐。

19. present

Usage: v. 提出,呈递,出席 n. 礼物

Example sentence: He presented his findings to the committee. 他向***会呈报了他的研究成果。

20. demonstrate

Usage: v. 示范,演示,展示,论证

Example sentence: The teacher will demonstrate the experiment to the students. 老师将向学生演示实验。

21. give evidence

Usage: phr. 提供证据

Example sentence: The witness gave evidence in court. 目击者在法庭上提供证据。

22. exemplify

Usage: v. 举例说明,例证

Example sentence: This story exemplifies the power of love. 这个故事例证了爱的力量。

23. point out

Usage: phr. 指出,指明,指点

Example sentence: She pointed out the mistake in his calculations. 她指出了他计算中的错误。

24. highlight

Usage: v. 强调,突出 n. 最精彩的部分,最重要的事件

Example sentence: The presentation highlighted the key points of the project. 这个演讲突出了项目的关键点。

25. reveal

Usage: v. 揭示,展现,显露,透露

Example sentence: The document revealed the truth about the incident. 这份文件揭示了事情的真相。

26. disclose

Usage: v. 揭示,泄露,公开

Example sentence: The whistleblower disclosed sensitive information to the press. 举报人向媒体披露了敏感信息。