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2023-12-04 19:07:29 理财问答



1. 原因的英语说法:reason、cause、account

reason: 意为“理由”、“原因”,作名词使用,例如:"What is the reason for your absence today?"(你今天缺席的原因是什么?)

cause: 意为“原因”,作名词使用,例如:"The cause of the accident is still under investigation."(事故的原因仍在调查中。)

account: 意为“原因”,作名词使用,例如:"Can you explain to me the account for your late arrival?"(你能解释一下你迟到的原因吗?)

2. 原因的相关短语

原因分析:cause analysis

reason analysis

analysis of cause

顺其自然:let it be

let nature take its course

毫无疑问:without a doubt

整体上看:on the whole

***原因:cause of death

由于种种原因:due to various reasons

绝大部分原因:the majority of reasons

包括但不限于:including but not limited to

3. 因为"个人原因" 用英语怎么说?翻译如下:

because of "personal reasons"

for personal reasons

4. 表示原因的常用句式

The reason why... is that...(...的原因是...)

例如:The reason why she loves him is that he is kind and caring.(她爱他的原因是他善良又体贴。)

Many factors weigh heavily for...(很多因素对...影响很大)

例如:Many factors weigh heavily for the success of a business, including market demand, financial stability, and customer satisfaction.(很多因素对于企业的成功影响很大,包括市场需求、财务稳定和客户满意度。)

Due to...(由于...)

例如:Due to bad weather, the flight was delayed.(由于***劣天气,航班延误了。)

Thanks to...(多亏了...)

例如:Thanks to his hard work and dedication, he was promoted to manager.(多亏了他的努力和奉献,他被提升为经理。)

As a result of...(作为...的结果)

例如:The team won the championship as a result of their excellent teamwork and skillful tactics.(由于他们出色的团队合作和熟练的战术,这个团队赢得了冠军。)

Owing to...(由于...)

例如:Owing to financial difficulties, they had to cancel the event.(由于经济困难,他们不得不取消这个活动。)
