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2024-01-26 11:36:59 理财问答

The Great Wall of China is one of the most magnificent wonders in the world, spanning approximately 4,000 miles.

1. The Great Wall 长城

1.1 The Great Wall is known as "Ten-thousand-Li Great Wall" in Chinese. "Li" is an ancient Chinese unit of measurement equivalent to 0.31 miles.

1.2 It is not one continuous wall, but rather a collection of walls and fortifications built during different dynasties.

1.3 Construction of the Great Wall started as early as the 7th century BC and continued till the 17th century AD.

2. Length of the Great Wall

2.1 The length of the Great Wall is approximately 13,171 miles (21,196 kilometers).

2.2 The majority of the Great Wall stretches across northern China, from the east coast to the west.

2.3 The Ming Dynasty, which ruled from the 14th to the 17th century, built most of the sections that are visible today.

3. Construction of the Great Wall

3.1 The Great Wall was built using various materials, including bricks, stones, wood, and even earth and reeds in some sections.

3.2 Watchtowers were an important feature of the Great Wall, used for defense and communication.

3.3 The construction of the Great Wall required the labor of millions of workers, including soldiers, peasants, and prisoners.

3.4 Many legends and stories surround the construction of the Great Wall, including the tale of Meng Jiangnv, a woman whose tears caused a section of the Wall to collapse.

4. Significance of the Great Wall

4.1 The Great Wall served as a military defense system, protecting China from invasions and raids from nomadic tribes.

4.2 It also played a role in regulating trade and controlling the movement of goods and people along the Silk Road.

4.3 The Great Wall is a symbol of China's rich history and cultural heritage and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

5. Tourism and Preservation

5.1 The Great Wall is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors from around the world every year.

5.2 Some sections of the Great Wall have been restored and maintained for tourism, while others remain in a state of ruin.

5.3 The Chinese government has undertaken extensive efforts to preserve and protect the Great Wall, including strict regulations on tourism and maintenance.

These are just a few highlights about the Great Wall of China. Its length and historical significance make it a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring structure.