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2024-01-22 15:13:47 理财问答

外汇买卖的英语翻译为"foreign exchange trading"。以下是一些与外汇买卖相关的英语词汇翻译及其解释:

1. Accepted 承兑:指商业银行对买入或卖出的外币现钞进行检查,确认其真伪并收下或出兑的行为。

2. Accrued interest 累计利息:指已到期但尚未支付的利息。

3. Advance 放款:指从金融机构取得的、按照协议约定的付款预支。

4. American style 美式选择权:一种金融衍生品的交易方式,持有人有权在到期日之前自由选择是否行使权利。

5. Appreciation 升值:指一种货币在国际市场上的汇率相对于其他货币上涨,购买力增加。

6. Arbitrage 套利交易:通过买入低价资产和同时卖出高价资产,利用价差获得利润的交易策略。

7. Asset allocation 资产配置:指根据风险偏好和投资目标,在不同的资产类别之间分配资金的过程。

8. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 居民消费价格指数:衡量一段时间内消费品和服务价格变动的指标。

9. Employment Cost Index 就业成本指数:衡量一段时间内劳动力成本的变动情况。

10. Retail Sales Index 零售销售指数:衡量一段时间内零售业销售额的变动情况。

11. Diffusion Index 景气动向指数:通过对多个经济指标的综合分析,用于评估整体经济活动的扩张或衰退趋势。


1. CPI (Consumer Price Index) 居民消费价格指数:A measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

2. Employment Cost Index 就业成本指数:A quarterly economic series that measures the growth of employee compensation (wages, salaries, and employer-paid benefits) in the United States.

3. Retail Sales Index 零售销售指数:A monthly economic series that measures the total sales of goods and services at retail establishments in the United States.

4. Diffusion Index 景气动向指数:A statistical measure representing the proportion of individual components within a broader index that are showing positive or negative movement.

5. Foreign exchange transactions 外汇交易:The process of converting one currency into another currency for various purposes, such as commerce, trading, or tourism.

6. Forex action 外汇交易:The transactions involving the exchange of one currency for another currency.

7. Trading in foreign currencies 买卖外汇:The act of buying and selling currencies in the foreign exchange market.
